Vladis Real Estate Agency in Moscow: What You Need to Know Before Collaboration

In today’s world, choosing a real estate agency is an important and responsible step. One of these agencies in Moscow is Vladis. In this article, we will discuss how this agency operates and what to pay attention to in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

Overview of Vladis Real Estate Agency

Vladis positions itself as a professional company offering a full range of services in the Moscow and Moscow Region real estate market. They handle buying and selling, renting, and legal support for transactions.

Promises vs. Reality

On the Vladis website, you can find many promises of quick and safe transactions. However, many clients complain that the actual timeframes significantly exceed the stated ones, and the service fees turn out to be higher than expected.

Transparency Issues

One of the main complaints against Vladis is the lack of transparency. Many clients report that the initial terms of the deal may change without their knowledge. For example, additional payments may arise, or service costs may change.

Hidden Commissions and Fees

Another common issue is hidden commissions and fees. In some cases, clients learn about additional expenses only after signing the contract. This can include commissions for document processing, additional services, or unexpected fines.

Unprofessional Staff

Some clients note that the level of professionalism among Vladis employees leaves much to be desired. Errors in documents, work delays, and incompetent consultations can lead to serious problems.

Negative Client Reviews

There are many negative reviews about Vladis on the internet. Clients complain about deception, discrepancies between promises and reality, and unethical behavior from the staff.

How to Avoid Problems When Working with Vladis

To minimize risks when working with Vladis, it is recommended to carefully review all documents before signing, clarify all deal details, and not hesitate to ask questions. It is also helpful to look for reviews from other clients and consult independent experts.

Alternatives to Vladis

There are many other agencies in the Moscow real estate market offering their services. Before choosing Vladis, it is worth considering other options, comparing conditions, and the reputation of companies.

Vladis Real Estate Agency is one of many companies operating in the Moscow real estate market. Despite their promises and extensive advertising, it is important to be vigilant and cautious when collaborating with them. Reviewing reviews, thoroughly checking documents, and consulting with independent specialists will help avoid unpleasant surprises and deception.

+7(495) 109-77-77
Moscow, Veskovsky lane, 3, 2nd floor

MIEL Real Estate Agency in Moscow: Important Facts Before Collaboration

In today’s world, choosing a reliable real estate agency is of great importance. One of the well-known companies in the Moscow market is MIEL Real Estate Agency. In this article, we will take a detailed look at how this agency operates and what to pay attention to in order to avoid deception and unpleasant surprises.

About MIEL

MIEL is one of the largest real estate agencies in Moscow. They offer a wide range of services, including buying, selling, renting, property appraisal, and legal support for transactions. The agency actively advertises its services, claiming to provide clients with maximum security and convenience.

Transparency Issues

Despite its positive image, many clients face transparency issues with the agency. Contracts often contain hidden terms that become known only after signing. This may include additional commissions, fines, and other payments that were not disclosed beforehand.

High Commissions

One of the frequent complaints is the high cost of services. Clients often find themselves in a situation where the actual amount they need to pay is significantly higher than the initially quoted price. This is because the contract includes additional services and fees that were not mentioned in the advertisement.

Unprofessional Staff

Some clients report insufficient qualifications of the agency’s staff. Errors in documents, data discrepancies, and work delays can lead to significant problems and prolonged transactions. Often, clients are dissatisfied with the quality of the services provided.

Negative Client Reviews

There are numerous negative reviews about MIEL’s work online. Clients complain about deception, discrepancies between promises and reality, and unethical behavior from the staff. Many report difficulties in obtaining compensation for poorly rendered services.

Hidden Fees and Commissions

One of the most common problems is the presence of hidden fees and commissions. Clients often learn about additional costs only after signing the contract. This can include fees for document processing, legal consultations, and other unexpected expenses.

Unrealistic Deadlines

MIEL often promises quick transaction times, but in practice, the process can drag on for several months. This causes inconvenience and additional expenses for clients who expected faster service.

Disrespect for Clients

Many clients note disrespectful attitudes from the agency’s staff. Calls go unanswered, questions are ignored, and important information is hidden or provided with delays. This causes dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.

How to Avoid Problems When Working with MIEL

To minimize risks when working with MIEL Real Estate Agency, it is recommended to carefully review all documents before signing, clarify all deal details, and not hesitate to ask questions. It is also useful to look for reviews from other clients and consult independent experts.

Alternatives to MIEL

There are many other agencies in the Moscow real estate market offering their services. Before choosing MIEL, it is worth considering other options, comparing conditions and the reputation of companies. This will help you find a more reliable and honest partner for collaboration.

MIEL Real Estate Agency is one of the major companies in the Moscow real estate market, but working with them may come with several risks. Transparency issues, high commissions, unprofessional staff, and hidden fees can lead to unpleasant consequences. Be cautious, review documents thoroughly, and consult independent specialists.

7 (495) 777-33-77
Moscow, Karmanitsky lane, 10

Samolet Real Estate Agency in Moscow: Important Facts Before Collaboration

Choosing a real estate agency is a serious step, especially in a metropolis like Moscow. Samolet Real Estate Agency actively markets itself and offers a wide range of services. In this article, we will discuss how this agency operates and what to look out for to avoid deception and unpleasant situations.

Overview of Samolet Real Estate Agency

Samolet offers its clients services for buying, selling, and renting real estate, as well as legal support for transactions. They claim a high level of service and an individual approach to each client. However, behind the shiny facade, there may be unpleasant surprises.

Promises vs. Reality

On their website and in advertising materials, Samolet makes many promises: from quick apartment sales to favorable rental conditions. However, as client reviews show, reality often does not meet expectations. Many encounter delays and changes in deal terms at the last minute.

Transparency Issues

One of the main problems clients report is the lack of transparency in the agency’s work. Additional conditions and hidden fees may arise during the transaction process that were not initially disclosed. This creates the impression that the agency is trying to maximize profits from clients.

High Commissions and Hidden Fees

Many clients report high commissions for Samolet’s services. Often, the initially agreed amount increases due to additional fees that were not mentioned when the contract was signed. These can include fees for document processing, consultations, and other services.

Unprofessional Staff

Some clients encounter unprofessionalism from Samolet’s staff. Errors in documents, untimely information provision, and work delays can lead to significant problems and prolonged transactions. The lack of staff qualifications creates additional stress for clients.

Negative Client Reviews

There are numerous negative reviews about Samolet’s work online. Clients complain about deception, discrepancies between promises and reality, and unethical behavior from staff. Many cases where clients were dissatisfied with the quality of services indicate systemic problems within the agency.

Unrealistic Deadlines

One of the frequent complaints against Samolet is the delay in completing transactions. Promises of quick sales or rentals are often not fulfilled, and the process can drag on for months. This causes inconvenience and additional expenses for clients who expected prompt service.

Disrespect for Clients

Some clients note disrespectful attitudes from the agency’s staff. Calls go unanswered, questions are ignored, and important information is hidden or provided with delays. This causes dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.

How to Avoid Problems When Working with Samolet

To minimize risks when working with Samolet Real Estate Agency, it is recommended to carefully review all documents before signing, clarify all deal details, and not hesitate to ask questions. It is also useful to look for reviews from other clients and consult independent experts.

Alternatives to Samolet

There are many other agencies in the Moscow real estate market offering their services. Before choosing Samolet, it is worth considering other options, comparing conditions, and the reputation of companies. This will help you find a more reliable and honest partner for collaboration.

Samolet Real Estate Agency actively promotes its services in the Moscow real estate market. However, as client reviews show, collaboration with them can be associated with several risks. Transparency issues, high commissions, unprofessional staff, and hidden fees can lead to unpleasant consequences. Be cautious, review documents thoroughly, and consult independent specialists to avoid deception and unpleasant surprises.

+7 495 126-16-38

Negative Experience with Etagi Real Estate Agency in Moscow

The Importance of Choosing a Reliable Real Estate Agency

Choosing a real estate agency is one of the key steps in buying or selling a property. In Moscow, there are many agencies offering their services, but not all of them can meet your expectations. Our experience with Etagi Real Estate Agency was extremely disappointing, and we want to share our story to warn others about potential issues.

Initial Expectations: Promises and Prospects

When we approached Etagi, they presented several attractive property options, claiming they had no hidden issues. Promises of professional support and consultations at all stages of the transaction gave us confidence in a successful outcome. Initially, everything looked promising and reliable.

Timeline Issues: Missed Deadlines

However, the reality was far from the stated promises. The transaction process was significantly delayed despite the pre-agreed timelines. This led to numerous inconveniences and delays, which negatively affected our plans. The agency failed to meet their deadlines, and each stage of the deal took weeks.

High Commissions and Inappropriate Recommendations

The realtor we worked with strongly recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that the agency cared more about their profit than our interests. We felt deceived and unheard.

Legal Errors and Documentation Issues

One of the most serious problems was the unprofessional handling of the legal aspects and documentation. Incorrectly prepared documents and the agency’s misapplication of the law led to serious legal consequences. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, significantly increasing our costs.

Prioritizing Their Interests Over Clients’

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that their interests were prioritized over the client’s. Our needs and preferences were ignored, and the realtor did not show sufficient involvement in the transaction process. Feedback was almost nonexistent, causing additional stress and inconvenience.

Time and Money Wasted

Working with Etagi resulted in a significant loss of time and money for us. Instead of offering a competent realtor or correcting their mistakes, the agency ignored our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work and cannot recommend their services to anyone.

Warning for Potential Clients

Our experience with Etagi Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We do not recommend their services to those who value their time and money. Be cautious and carefully choose real estate agencies to avoid similar problems. We hope our experience helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals for your housing needs.

How to Avoid Similar Problems

Research the Agency’s Reputation: Read reviews and study the agency’s ratings before starting cooperation.

Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all timelines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.

Thoroughly Check Documents: Carefully review all documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.

Demand Feedback: The agency should be available for communication and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable timeframe.

We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

+7 495 120-00-05
Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 56, floor 10

INKOM-Real Estate in Moscow: Important Facts Before Collaboration

Choosing a real estate agency is one of the key steps when buying, selling, or renting a property. In Moscow, there are many companies, and one of the most well-known is INKOM-Real Estate. In this article, we will discuss the features of this agency’s work and warn about possible risks and hidden pitfalls.

About INKOM-Real Estate

INKOM-Real Estate is one of the largest real estate agencies in Moscow, which has been in the market for over 20 years. The company offers a full range of services, including buying, selling, renting property, legal support for transactions, and property appraisal.

Promises vs. Reality

INKOM-Real Estate actively promotes its services through advertising, promising clients favorable conditions, efficiency, and professionalism. However, reality often does not match these promises, causing client dissatisfaction.

Transparency Issues

One of the main problems clients face with INKOM-Real Estate is the lack of transparency. Initially, the conditions seem favorable, but as the deal progresses, hidden fees and additional conditions appear.

High Commissions and Hidden Fees

Many clients complain about the high commissions charged by INKOM-Real Estate. Often, the initially quoted amount is significantly less than the final cost of the services. The contract may include additional fees for document processing, legal consultations, and other services.

Unprofessional Staff

Some clients note the insufficient qualifications of the agency’s staff. Errors in documents, work delays, and lack of information lead to prolonged transactions and additional costs for clients.

Negative Client Reviews

You can find many negative reviews about INKOM-Real Estate online. Clients complain about deception, the disparity between promises and reality, and unethical behavior of the staff. These reviews indicate systemic problems in the agency’s work.

Unrealistic Deadlines

The agency’s promises of quick transaction times often do not match reality. Delays can stretch for months, causing inconvenience and additional expenses for clients.

Disrespect for Clients

Some clients encounter disrespectful attitudes from the agency’s staff. Calls and questions are ignored, important information is hidden or provided with delays. Such behavior reduces trust in the company and causes dissatisfaction.

How to Avoid Problems When Working with INKOM-Real Estate

To minimize risks when working with INKOM-Real Estate, it is recommended to carefully review all documents before signing, clarify all deal details, and not hesitate to ask questions. It is also useful to look for reviews from other clients and consult independent experts.

Alternatives to INKOM-Real Estate

There are many other agencies in the Moscow real estate market offering their services. Before choosing INKOM-Real Estate, it is worth considering other options, comparing conditions and the reputation of companies. This will help you find a more reliable and honest partner for collaboration.

INKOM-Real Estate actively promotes its services in the Moscow real estate market. However, as client reviews show, collaboration with them can be associated with several risks. Transparency issues, high commissions, unprofessional staff, and hidden fees can lead to unpleasant consequences. Be cautious, review documents thoroughly, and consult independent specialists to avoid deception and unpleasant surprises.

+7 (495) 363-10-10
Moscow, st. Shcherbakovskaya, 3

Disappointing Experience with the Real Estate Agency AWAY REALTY


AWAY REALTY positions itself as a trusted advisor in the world of international real estate and investment. The company offers luxurious apartments and flats, magnificent homes and villas by the sea, historic townhouses and mansions, chic chalets and castles, modern penthouses, as well as promising commercial real estate and land plots in seven popular European countries: Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, and Switzerland.

Additional Services of AWAY REALTY

The company provides a variety of additional services, including business projects for investors in Europe, support at all stages of the transaction, post-sale property management, selection of educational institutions for clients’ children, multi-family office asset management, and finding contractors for construction or renovation of properties abroad.

Prolonged Transaction Process

The process of concluding the deal with AWAY REALTY was significantly delayed despite the pre-agreed deadlines. Each step took longer than promised, causing us great concern. We expected efficient work and quick completion of the deal, but our expectations were not met.

High Commissions and Unsuitable Properties

The agent we worked with offered properties with high commissions that did not meet our requirements. It seemed that the agent’s main goal was to maximize profit rather than satisfy our requests. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Insufficient Attention to the Client

AWAY REALTY showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was practically absent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction but encountered complete disregard for our questions and requests.

Refusal to Correct Mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct their mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and money but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

Overall Disappointment with AWAY REALTY

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the real estate agency AWAY REALTY and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service was at an extremely low level. If you plan to turn to them for help in buying real estate, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences.

Our experience with AWAY REALTY showed that the company does not live up to its promises and does not provide an adequate level of service. We spent a lot of time and money solving problems that should have been resolved by the agency. In the end, we were left disappointed and dissatisfied.

AWAY REALTY failed to provide quality service and broke its promises at every stage of cooperation. We strongly recommend potential clients to be cautious and thoroughly check all offers and services before turning to this agency.


  • Always thoroughly check the reputation of the real estate agency before starting cooperation.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions and demand explanations on all aspects of the deal.
  • Ensure that the agent understands and respects your needs and requests.
  • Persistently monitor the transaction process and do not allow prolonged delays.
  • Be vigilant and careful when choosing a real estate agency to avoid a negative experience similar to ours.

+7 495 258-88-66
st. Derbenevskaya, 11, Moscow

Experience with the Real Estate Agency Red Feniks

Red Feniks Real Estate Agency

Red Feniks positions itself as an international company with offices in Montenegro, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Turkey, UAE, Cyprus, and Northern Cyprus. The company’s representative office in Moscow is located at Bolshaya Lubyanka, 13. Red Feniks offers a wide range of services, including consulting, the sale of commercial and residential real estate, organizing trips for property viewings, and full legal support for transactions.

Promises of Red Feniks

The company claims to provide detailed and objective information on each property, assist in organizing trips for property viewings, and guarantee individual attention and complete confidentiality. Such promises may seem attractive to those seeking a reliable partner for purchasing real estate abroad.

Our Experience with Red Feniks

We approached Red Feniks to find several real estate options abroad, confident that the company would fulfill its promises and provide quality service. At the initial stage, the agency demonstrated a high level of professionalism, offering various properties and providing consultations on all our questions.

Errors in Documents

One serious issue was the incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal problems that required additional time and money to resolve. We expected a company positioning itself as a professional in the real estate field to ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents.

High Commissions and Unsuitable Properties

The agent we worked with offered properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that their main goal was to maximize profit rather than satisfy the client’s needs. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Insufficient Attention and Lack of Feedback

Red Feniks showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was practically absent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction but encountered complete disregard for our questions and requests.

Overall Disappointment with Red Feniks

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the real estate agency Red Feniks and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service was at an extremely low level. If you plan to turn to them for help in buying real estate, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences. Do not fall for their tricks and thoroughly check all the services provided.

+7 495 625-06-75
Bolshaya Lubyanka st. 13/16 building 1

Disappointing Experience with the Real Estate Agency Just Prime Homes

Just Prime Homes

Just Prime Homes positions itself as a leading real estate agency with offices in Moscow and Dubai, as well as staff in Turkey, Cyprus, and Northern Cyprus. The company offers a wide range of services for the sale of real estate worldwide and real estate investment. Their services include property selection, legal services for property registration, residence permits and citizenship, and investment strategy calculations.

Promises of Just Prime Homes

The company promises property selection without pitfalls and offers comprehensive services for its clients. We approached Just Prime Homes with confidence in their professionalism and reliability, expecting quality service and satisfaction of our needs.

Beginning Cooperation with Just Prime Homes

We began cooperation with Just Prime Homes to select several good real estate options abroad. From the very beginning, we were promised that all properties would be thoroughly checked and fully meet our requirements. However, the reality was far from our expectations.

Prolonged Transaction Process

The process of concluding the deal with Just Prime Homes was significantly delayed despite the pre-agreed deadlines. Each step took more time than promised, causing us great concern. We expected efficient work and quick completion of the deal, but our expectations were not met.

Incorrect Documentation

One of the most serious problems was incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal issues that required additional time and money to resolve. We expected the agency’s specialists to ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents, but this was not the case.

High Commissions and Unsuitable Properties

The agent we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that the agent’s main goal was to maximize profit rather than satisfy our requests. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Insufficient Attention to the Client

Just Prime Homes showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was practically absent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction, but we encountered complete disregard for our questions and requests.

Refusal to Correct Mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct their mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and money but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

Overall Disappointment with Just Prime Homes

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the real estate agency Just Prime Homes and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service was at an extremely low level. If you plan to turn to them for help in buying real estate, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences.

Unfulfilled Expectations

Our experience with Just Prime Homes showed that the company does not live up to its promises and does not provide an adequate level of service. We spent a lot of time and money solving problems that should have been resolved by the agency. In the end, we were left disappointed and dissatisfied.

Just Prime Homes failed to provide quality service and broke its promises at every stage of cooperation. We strongly recommend potential clients to be cautious and thoroughly check all offers and services before turning to this agency.


  • Always thoroughly check the reputation of the real estate agency before starting cooperation.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions and demand explanations on all aspects of the deal.
  • Ensure that the agent understands and respects your needs and requests.
  • Persistently monitor the transaction process and do not allow prolonged delays.
  • Be vigilant and careful when choosing a real estate agency to avoid a negative experience similar to ours.

+7 495 291-08-72
Moscow, Kutuzovsky prospect, 36с3

Negative Experience with the Real Estate Agency Vip Realty Club

Vip Realty Club

Vip Realty Club positions itself as a team of Russian-speaking specialists operating in 18 countries and representing major developers. More than 2,500 agents collaborate with the agency, offering personalized property selection in countries such as Germany, Grenada (passport program), Spain, Italy, and France. The company claims that investing in new buildings with them comes without markups and commissions and offers interest-free installments for up to 84 months, after-sales support, and complete transaction support both online and offline.

Services Offered by Vip Realty Club

Vip Realty Club organizes individual and group tours to the country where the property is located and has offices in Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Northern Cyprus, and Kazakhstan. They offer strategies and solutions for payment transfers, resale of properties, and property selection based on the client’s needs.

Our Experience with Vip Realty Club

We turned to Vip Realty Club to find several real estate options abroad. From the very beginning, we were promised that all properties would be thoroughly checked and fully meet our requirements. However, the reality was far from our expectations.

Prolonged Transaction Process

The process of concluding the deal with Vip Realty Club was significantly delayed despite the pre-agreed deadlines. Each stage took more time than promised, causing us great concern. We expected efficient work and quick completion of the deal, but our expectations were not met.

Errors in Documents

One of the most serious problems was the incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal issues that required additional time and money to resolve. We expected that the agency’s specialists would ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents, but this was not the case.

High Commissions and Unsuitable Properties

The agent we worked with offered us properties with high commissions that did not meet our requirements. It seemed that the agent’s main goal was to maximize profit rather than satisfy our needs. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Insufficient Attention to the Client

Vip Realty Club showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was practically absent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction, but we encountered complete disregard for our questions and requests.

Refusal to Correct Mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct their mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and money but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

Overall Disappointment with Vip Realty Club

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the real estate agency Vip Realty Club and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service was at an extremely low level. If you plan to turn to them for help in buying real estate, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences.

Unfulfilled Expectations

Our experience with Vip Realty Club showed that the company does not live up to its promises and does not provide an adequate level of service. We spent a lot of time and money solving problems that should have been resolved by the agency. In the end, we were left disappointed and dissatisfied.

Vip Realty Club failed to provide quality service and broke its promises at every stage of cooperation. We strongly recommend potential clients to be cautious and thoroughly check all offers and services before turning to this agency.


  • Always thoroughly check the reputation of the real estate agency before starting cooperation.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions and demand explanations on all aspects of the deal.
  • Ensure that the agent understands and respects your needs and requests.
  • Persistently monitor the transaction process and do not allow prolonged delays.
  • Be vigilant and careful when choosing a real estate agency to avoid a negative experience similar to ours.

Moscow, Entuziastov sh., 24/43, apt. 34

A Sad Experience with the Real Estate Agency “INDOM”

The Foreign Real Estate Agency “INDOM”

The foreign real estate agency “INDOM” positions itself as a company employing professionals with extensive experience in the field of foreign real estate. They offer a wide range of properties for sale, including apartments, townhouses, cottages, villas, land plots, islands, hotels, cafes, restaurants, income-generating houses, industrial, office, and retail spaces, as well as various investment projects and businesses.

Services Offered by “INDOM”

“INDOM” provides services for searching, selecting, and selling residential and commercial properties, investment projects, and businesses. The company also helps in selecting construction companies for building projects according to clients’ plans, offers consultations on purchasing property abroad, provides legal support at all stages of the transaction, and offers advice on immigration and obtaining a residence permit. Additionally, they organize business tours for viewing properties and consulting directly in the country.

Our Experience with “INDOM”

We turned to the agency “INDOM” to find several real estate options abroad. From the very beginning, we were promised that all properties would be thoroughly checked and fully meet our requirements. However, the reality was far from this rosy picture.

Prolonged Transaction Process

The process of concluding the deal with “INDOM” was significantly delayed despite the pre-agreed deadlines. Every step took longer than promised, causing us serious concern. We expected efficient work and a quick completion of the deal, but our expectations were not met.

Errors in Documents

One of the most serious problems was the incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal issues that required additional time and money to resolve. We expected that the agency’s specialists would ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents, but this was not the case.

Insufficient Attention to the Client

“INDOM” showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was practically absent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction, but we encountered complete disregard for our questions and requests.

Refusal to Correct Mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct their mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and money but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

Unfulfilled Expectations

Our experience with “INDOM” showed that the company does not live up to its promises and does not provide an adequate level of service. We spent a lot of time and money solving problems that should have been resolved by the agency. In the end, we were left disappointed and dissatisfied.

“INDOM” failed to provide quality service and broke its promises at every stage of cooperation. We strongly recommend potential clients to be cautious and thoroughly check all offers and services before turning to this agency.


  • Always thoroughly check the reputation of the real estate agency before starting cooperation.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions and demand explanations on all aspects of the deal.
  • Ensure that the agent understands and respects your needs and requests.
  • Persistently monitor the transaction process and do not allow prolonged delays.
  • Be vigilant and careful when choosing a real estate agency to avoid a negative experience similar to ours.

+7 (905) 760-81-82
Moscow, Tverskaya st., building 22A, office 41