

Phone: +1 720 221 9220

Address: 5613 DTC Parkway, Suite 830, Greenwood Village, CO, 80111, US

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About company

  • The interests of our clients always come first.Our experience shows that if we serve our customers well, our own success will follow.
  • Our assets are our people, capital and reputation.If any of these ever diminish, the latter is the most difficult to recover. We are committed to full compliance with the international rules and ethical principles that guide us. Our continued success depends on an unwavering commitment to that standard.
  • We pride ourselves on the professional quality of our work.We have an uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in everything we undertake. Although we may be involved in a wide range and large volume of activities, we strive to provide our clients with everything they need for financial development.
  • We emphasize creativity and imagination in everything we do.Recognizing that the old way may still be the best way, we constantly strive to find the best solution to our client’s problems. We are proud to be the first to introduce many of the methods and techniques in international brokerage that have become standard in our industry.
  • We make an unusual effort to identify and select the best person for each job.Although our business is measured in billions of dollars, we choose our people one by one. In the service industry, we know we can’t be the best company without the best people.
  • We emphasize teamwork in everything we do.While individual creativity is always encouraged, we have found that team efforts often yield the best results. We have no room for those who put their personal interests ahead of the interests of the company and its customers.
  • The dedication of our people to the company and the hard work they give to their work is higher than in most other organizations.We believe that this is an important part of our success.
  • We consider our size an asset that we try to keep.We want to be big enough to pull off the biggest project any of our clients could conceive of, yet small enough to maintain the loyalty, intimacy and corporate spirit that we all cherish and that contribute greatly to our success.
  • We constantly strive to anticipate the rapidly changing needs of our customers and develop new services to meet those needsWe know that the world of finance will not stand still and that complacency can lead to extinction.
  • We regularly receive confidential information as part of our normal customer relations.It would be unthinkable to breach confidentiality or to use confidential information inappropriately or carelessly.
  • Our business is highly competitive, and we persistently seek to expand our customer relationships.We should always be honest with our competitors and never slander other companies.
  • Honesty and integrity are at the heart of our business.We expect our employees to maintain high ethical standards in everything they do, both in their work for the company and in their personal lives.
Bayer brandforyoukrd reviews

Deception and Disappointment: The Experience of Working with Buyer Brandforyoukrd

In the search for luxury clothing, many turn to buyers, expecting to get exclusive items. One such buyer is brandforyoukrd on Instagram. However, the experience of working with this buyer has become a real disappointment for many clients.

First Impressions: Reliability or Deception?

At first, brandforyoukrd seemed professional: all the order details, including cost and delivery times, were clearly discussed. The buyer created the illusion of being a reliable partner, which instilled trust.

Customs Issues: A Pretext for Extortion

After placing and paying for the order, brandforyoukrd began reporting customs issues, demanding additional payments for expedited delivery. Clients, eager to receive their orders quickly, transferred money directly to the buyer, which should have raised suspicions.

Payment Manipulation: How Clients End Up Paying Twice

After making additional payments, clients did not receive the promised goods. At best, the buyer continued to come up with excuses, and at worst, simply stopped communicating. This scheme is a classic method of extorting money from trusting buyers.

Receiving the Goods: Counterfeits Instead of Originals

The most bitter disappointment came when the packages finally arrived. Instead of the promised luxury items, clients received cheap counterfeits that weren’t even worth a fraction of the money paid. This was particularly painful for those who had already spent significant amounts on additional “customs” fees.

Outcome: Financial Losses and Disappointment

Collaboration with brandforyoukrd is a path to deception and lost money. Instead of quality clothing, clients received counterfeits, and all additional expenses were in vain. This buyer skillfully builds trust to later manipulate clients and extract money from them.

How Not to Fall Victim to Scammers: Key Rules

  • Check the buyer’s reputation. Study reviews on independent platforms.
  • Do not transfer money to personal accounts. All payments should go through official channels.
  • Be cautious with additional payments. Demands for extra payments beyond what was agreed upon are a red flag.
  • Clarify the terms of the deal. Always check the return policy and compensation options.
  • Beware of prices that are too low. If the price is suspiciously low, you’re likely to receive a counterfeit.

Conclusion: Caution and Verification Are the Keys to Safety

The experience with brandforyoukrd has been a sad lesson for many clients. Remember that purchasing luxury goods should bring joy, not disappointment. Verify information and avoid dubious intermediaries to protect yourself from deception.


Bayer lliyenish reviews

Fraud in Buying Luxury Goods: The Sad Experience of Collaborating with Buyer Lliyenish

Purchasing luxury goods through buyers is becoming increasingly popular among those seeking rare and exclusive items. However, not all buyers are reliable, and instead of the desired brands, clients may encounter fraud. In this article, we will share the negative experience of collaborating with the buyer Lliyenish, who promised authentic goods but instead left clients with counterfeits and financial losses. We will also provide tips on how to avoid similar situations when purchasing branded clothing online.

First Steps: Choosing Goods and Discussing Terms

Clients approached the buyer Lliyenish to purchase several luxury clothing items. Everything started smoothly: the buyer actively consulted, offered various options, and helped choose the right products. All terms, including cost, delivery times, and possible taxes, were discussed and agreed upon in advance. At this stage, Lliyenish gave the impression of an experienced professional capable of organizing the purchase process without issues. This instilled trust and convinced clients to continue the collaboration.

Customs Issues: A Standard Scam Tactic

After placing the order and making the payment, the buyer began reporting alleged customs issues. Clients received messages about delivery delays and the need to pay additional duties and taxes. This is a common tactic often used by scammers. They create the illusion of non-existent problems, demanding additional financial contributions from clients. Eager to receive their orders as soon as possible, clients agreed to these terms, unaware that this was just the beginning of the scam.

Additional Taxes and Payments: Where Does the Money Really Go?

In the case of Lliyenish, after the initial payment for the order, clients were forced to pay additional taxes and duties. The money was transferred directly to the buyer’s account, which should have raised suspicions. Typically, such payments are made through official channels, not personal accounts. However, trusting the buyer, clients agreed to these transfers, hoping to expedite the delivery process. As a result, they paid twice, not realizing that this was part of a scheme to extract as much money as possible.

The Long-Awaited Package: Disappointment Instead of Joy

The most unpleasant moment came when the long-awaited package finally arrived. The expectation of receiving the promised original luxury items turned into deep disappointment. The packages contained cheap counterfeits that were not worth the money paid. For clients who hoped for high quality and exclusivity, this fraud was a real blow. They realized they had spent large sums on low-quality goods with no value.

Signs of an Unreliable Buyer: How to Recognize Fraud

To avoid falling victim to fraud, it is important to recognize the signs of an unreliable buyer. In the case of Lliyenish, several warning signals could have been noticed:

  • Requests for additional payments after the order is placed, especially if the money needs to be transferred directly to the buyer.
  • Excuses for delivery delays citing customs issues or other external factors.
  • Lack of transparency in the purchasing process, return conditions, and guarantees.
  • Suspiciously low prices on luxury goods, which may indicate counterfeits or a fraudulent scheme.

How to Protect Yourself from Scammers: Useful Tips

To avoid unpleasant situations like those experienced by Lliyenish’s clients, follow these recommendations:

  • Check the buyer’s reputation. Before purchasing, thoroughly research reviews and recommendations from other clients. Pay attention to independent sources of information where you can find genuine opinions.
  • Do not transfer money directly to personal accounts. All payments should be made through official channels, especially when it comes to taxes and duties. If the buyer asks you to transfer money to a personal account, it is a serious cause for suspicion.
  • Avoid full prepayment. If the buyer insists on prepayment, especially without return guarantees, be very cautious. Reliable buyers offer various payment options, including cash on delivery or payment upon receiving the goods.
  • Clarify all purchase details. Before confirming the order, make sure all terms are transparent and clear. Ensure you have a clear understanding of the purchasing process, delivery, and return conditions if necessary.
  • Do not trust offers that are too good to be true. If the price of a luxury item is significantly lower than the market rate, it could be a sign of counterfeiting or fraud.

Conclusion: Be Vigilant and Protect Your Money

The experience with the buyer Lliyenish became a bitter lesson for many clients who expected to receive original luxury goods but instead received counterfeits. This case highlighted the importance of being cautious when shopping online, especially when it comes to expensive and exclusive items. Remember that buying luxury goods should bring joy, not disappointment. Always verify information about buyers, trust only reputable sellers, and protect your money from fraud.


Bayer polinulya reviews

Fraud in Buying Luxury Clothing: The Sad Experience of Clients of Buyer Polinulya

Purchasing luxury clothing through buyers is becoming popular in Russia, but behind the apparent simplicity, serious risks can lurk. This article will share the negative experience of clients of the buyer Polinulya on Instagram and offer tips on how to avoid similar situations.

A False Sense of Security

Clients turned to Polinulya for luxury clothing. Initially, everything seemed promising: the details of the purchase, delivery times, and payment conditions were discussed. The buyer appeared to be a reliable intermediary, which instilled trust and convinced the clients to continue the collaboration.

A Classic Scam: Customs Issues

After placing and paying for the order, clients began receiving messages about problems at customs. Polinulya claimed that the delivery was delayed and that additional duties and taxes needed to be paid to expedite it. This is a common scam where fraudsters create the illusion of non-existent problems to extort more money.

Hidden Risks: Additional Payments

When clients agreed to pay the additional taxes, the money was transferred directly to the buyer. This should have raised suspicions, as such payments are usually made through official channels. Polinulya continued to persuade the clients that these transfers were necessary, allowing him to extract more funds without providing the promised goods.

Disappointment Instead of Joy

When the package finally arrived, instead of the promised original items, clients received low-quality counterfeits. This was a real blow after all the financial costs and waiting. Instead of exclusive items, clients were faced with outright fraud.

Signs of an Unreliable Buyer

To recognize a scammer, pay attention to the following signs:

  • Requests for additional payments after the order is placed, especially to the buyer’s personal account.
  • Excuses for delays, citing customs issues.
  • Lack of transparency about the purchasing process, return conditions, and guarantees.
  • Suspiciously low prices on luxury goods, which may indicate counterfeits.

Recommendations for Safe Shopping

To reduce the risk of fraud:

  • Check the buyer’s reputation by reading reviews on independent platforms.
  • Do not transfer money directly to personal accounts, especially for taxes and duties.
  • Avoid full prepayment if the buyer does not provide guarantees.
  • Clarify all purchase details and return conditions before placing the order.

Conclusion: Stay Vigilant and Protect Your Money

The experience with Polinulya showed that even when a seller seems reliable, it is important to be vigilant and carefully check the terms of the deal. Remember, buying luxury clothing should bring joy, not disappointment. Always verify information about buyers and choose only trusted sellers to avoid fraud.


Bayer lux_brand_vili_shop reviews

How Not to Fall for the Tricks of Unreliable Buyers: Experience with lux_brand_vili_shop

Buying luxury goods through buyers has become popular among those seeking rare and exclusive items. However, behind the apparent benefits, serious risks may be hidden. In this article, we will share the unfortunate experience of dealing with the buyer lux_brand_vili_shop and provide tips on how to avoid similar situations.

Promises of Quality Service: The Illusion of Reliability

Many buyers attract clients with promises of top-notch service and access to the best brands. This was the case with lux_brand_vili_shop. Clients selected luxury clothing items and discussed all the terms. At first glance, the buyer seemed reliable, which gained the trust of the customers.

Customs Issues: A Common Scam

One of the classic tactics used by scammers is “customs issues.” Clients of lux_brand_vili_shop were warned about possible delays and the need to pay additional duties. This creates the illusion of control over the process and convinces clients that such difficulties are common.

Additional Taxes: Hidden Traps

After paying for the goods and services, the buyer asked clients to transfer money for taxes and duties directly to the buyer. This approach should have raised suspicions, as these payments are usually made through official channels. If you are asked to do otherwise, it’s a serious warning sign.

Counterfeits Instead of Originals: The Result of Collaboration

The most unpleasant moment comes when the product finally arrives and turns out to be a counterfeit. This happened to the clients of lux_brand_vili_shop. Expectations were not met, and customers were left with huge disappointment after all the financial costs.

Signs of an Unreliable Buyer

To avoid falling victim to scammers, it’s important to recognize the signs of an unreliable buyer:

  • Suspiciously low prices on luxury goods.
  • Demand for full prepayment, especially if the money is to be transferred to a personal account.
  • Lack of transparency in the purchasing and delivery process.
  • Requests for additional payments after the order is placed.

Conclusion: Be Cautious

Dealing with a buyer like lux_brand_vili_shop can lead to financial losses and disappointment. Always be vigilant and don’t trust offers that seem too good to be true. Remember, buying luxury goods should bring pleasure, not disappointment.


Bayer chaka_bayer reviews

Caution: How Not to Fall Victim to an Unreliable Buyer

Ordering luxury branded items through buyers is becoming increasingly popular in Russia, as it offers the opportunity to obtain exclusive products that are difficult to find in regular stores. However, behind attractive offers often lie fraudulent schemes that lead to significant financial losses. In this article, we will discuss the negative experience of clients who were scammed by the buyer chaka_bayer and provide useful tips on how to avoid similar situations.

Customs Issues: A Real Threat or a Scam?

One of the most common problems buyers face when ordering goods through buyers is customs delays. This is often used as an excuse for long delivery waits or sudden demands for additional payments. In the case of chaka_bayer, clients were told that their goods were being held up at customs and that additional taxes and duties needed to be paid to receive them. This is a classic trick used by scammers who create the appearance of “problems” to extort additional funds.

Hoping to receive their orders as soon as possible, clients often agree to such conditions, unaware that it may be a scam. It’s important to remember that customs issues can be both real and fabricated, and in any case, if you’re asked to transfer money directly to the buyer, it’s a red flag that shouldn’t be ignored.

Additional Payments: Where Does Your Money Go?

After clients of chaka_bayer paid for the goods and services, they were informed of the need to pay additional taxes and duties. These payments were to be transferred directly to the buyer, which should have raised suspicions. Typically, such payments are made through official channels, such as customs authorities or payment systems, rather than personal accounts of buyers.

The danger of such situations is that a buyer may end up paying twice for the goods but never actually receive them. This is part of a fraudulent scheme aimed at extorting as much money as possible from trusting clients. If you’re asked to transfer additional funds to the buyer’s personal account, it’s a serious cause for concern.

Receiving Counterfeits: Disappointment Instead of a Long-Awaited Purchase

The most unpleasant moment comes when the long-awaited package finally arrives, and you realize you’ve received a counterfeit instead of the promised original items. This is exactly what happened to clients of chaka_bayer. Expectations were not met, and instead of high-quality luxury goods, they received cheap imitations that were not worth the money spent.

Counterfeits are not only disappointing but also a significant financial loss, especially when large sums of money are involved, as is often the case with branded items. Such situations are quite common, particularly when purchases are made through unverified platforms or little-known social media accounts.

Signs of an Unreliable Buyer: What to Watch Out For

To avoid falling victim to fraud, it’s important to recognize the signs of an unreliable buyer. Here are a few key signals that should raise your suspicion:

  • Lack of transparency: If the buyer evades providing clear information about the purchasing process, delivery, and return conditions, it’s a red flag.
  • Requests for additional payments: Especially if you’re asked to transfer money directly to the buyer’s account, this may indicate fraud.
  • Suspiciously low prices: If the price for branded items is significantly below the market rate, it could indicate counterfeits or a scam.
  • Lack of reviews: If the buyer has no reviews or only positive comments, this could be a sign of fake reviews.

How to Protect Yourself When Ordering Through Buyers

To minimize risks and protect yourself from fraudsters, follow these recommendations:

  • Order only from verified buyers: Choose those with a good reputation and real client reviews. Check the buyer’s information on independent platforms.
  • Ensure that all payments are made through official channels: Never transfer money directly to a buyer’s personal account, especially when it comes to taxes and duties.
  • Avoid prepaying for goods: Try to arrange for payment upon receipt or use payment systems that offer buyer protection.
  • Always check the return policy: Clarify the conditions for returns and compensation in case the product turns out to be counterfeit or does not match the description.

Conclusion: Be Vigilant and Protect Your Money

Buying luxury goods through buyers can be a convenient way to obtain rare and exclusive items, but only if you turn to trusted and reliable intermediaries. The story with chaka_bayer is a vivid example of how easy it is to fall victim to scammers. Always verify information about buyers, stay vigilant, and don’t fall for offers that seem too good to be true. Remember, the safety of your money and your confidence in the purchase should come first.


Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad) reviews

The Danger of P2P Cryptocurrency Arbitration Courses by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad): A Scam Experience

The cryptocurrency industry is attracting more and more people eager to profit from price fluctuations and arbitration. Unfortunately, as the popularity of cryptocurrencies grows, so does the number of scammers looking to exploit inexperienced enthusiasts. One such example is the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad). In this article, I will share my negative experience to warn others about potential fraud.

Overhyped Promises and False Advertising

When I first saw the advertisement for Murad Karimov’s course, I was drawn in by the promises of easy and quick profits from cryptocurrency arbitration. Loud claims that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time seemed convincing. However, the reality was entirely different. Most of the information was general and superficial, lacking specific instructions and practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key selling points of the course was the promise of constant support from the instructor and his team. However, after paying for the course, communication with the organizers ceased. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that after receiving money from the students, the course authors were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt as if the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

The course was expected to provide specific tools and strategies for successful P2P cryptocurrency arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, making it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course price was significantly higher than the market average. Given the poor quality of materials and lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.

How to Avoid Such Traps

  1. Research the Course and Its Author: Take the time to research the course and its author. Look for real reviews and success stories; don’t rely solely on promotional promises.
  2. Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal. Compare it with other offers on the market.
  3. Seek Free Resources: Before paying for a course, try to find free materials on the topic. They might turn out to be more useful.
  4. Be Skeptical of Big Promises: If someone promises easy money and quick success, be cautious. Real results require time and effort.


My experience with the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad) was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you plan to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust loud promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful cryptocurrency arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.


Danil Shilkin (@danyakush) reviews

The Dangers of Online Traffic Arbitration Courses: How Not to Fall into a Trap

In recent years, the internet has been flooded with offers for traffic arbitration courses. Many of them promise incredible income and success in a short period. Unfortunately, reality often falls far short of these promises. In this article, we will explore the main dangers associated with purchasing such courses and provide tips on how to avoid disappointment and financial loss.

1. Overblown Expectations and Unrealistic Promises

One of the most common signs of fraudulent courses is the promise of “easy money.” Genuine traffic arbitration is a complex and labor-intensive job that requires knowledge and experience. If you are promised that you can earn thousands of dollars a month without effort or investment, it’s a red flag that you may be dealing with scammers.

2. Lack of Specific Data and Transparency

True professionals are always ready to provide specific data and examples of their successful campaigns. If a course only offers vague statements and promises without evidence, it’s a cause for concern. Verify whether the course authors have real results and reviews from students who have succeeded thanks to their training.

3. Lack of Support and Feedback

Good courses always offer support for students: this may include webinars, social media groups, or personal consultations. If, after purchasing the course, you are left alone with video lessons and no support, your chances of success diminish. Before buying, clarify what level of support is offered and how you can contact the instructors.

4. Overpriced Courses

The price of a course should match its content and quality. If a course is overly expensive, it could indicate that the authors are trying to make more money off their students than from actual arbitration. Do some research and compare prices for similar courses to determine if the course is worth the money.

5. Lack of Genuine Reviews and Recommendations

Scammers often use fake reviews and awards to create the illusion of success for their courses. Check reviews not only on the course website but also on third-party resources, forums, and social media. Look for real stories from people who have completed the course and are willing to share their experiences.

How to Protect Yourself?

  • Research: Take the time to research the course and its authors.
  • Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal.
  • Be Skeptical: Don’t believe promises of easy money and success without effort.
  • Use Trial Versions: Many reputable courses offer free materials for you to sample.


Always remember that the online education field includes both honest instructors and scammers. Be vigilant and cautious to avoid falling victim to fraud. Your time and money deserve better.

Contacts: reviews

The Dangers of Cryptocurrency Arbitration Courses by A Real Experience and Warning

The cryptocurrency sphere attracts many people looking to profit from arbitration and trading. As cryptocurrencies become more popular, the number of scammers eager to exploit inexperienced enthusiasts also increases. One such example is the cryptocurrency arbitration course by In this article, I will share my negative experience to warn others about potential fraud.

Overhyped Promises and Misleading Advertising

When I first saw the advertisement for the course by, I was drawn in by the loud promises of easy and quick profits from cryptocurrency arbitration. The promotional materials claimed that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time. However, the reality turned out to be entirely different. Most of the information was general and superficial, lacking specific instructions and practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key advantages of the course was the promise of constant support from the instructor and his team. However, after paying for the course, communication with the organizers ceased. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that once they received money from the students, the course organizers were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt like the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

It was expected that the course would provide specific tools and strategies for successful cryptocurrency arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, making it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course’s price was significantly higher than the market average. Considering the poor quality of materials and the lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.

How to Avoid Such Traps

  1. Research the Course and Its Author: Take the time to research the course and its author. Look for real reviews and success stories; don’t rely solely on promotional promises.
  2. Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal. Compare it with other offers on the market.
  3. Seek Free Resources: Before paying for a course, try to find free materials on the topic. They might turn out to be more useful.
  4. Be Skeptical of Big Promises: If someone promises easy money and quick success, be cautious. Real results require time and effort.


My experience with the cryptocurrency arbitration course by was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you’re planning to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust flashy promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful cryptocurrency arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.


Ibrahim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) reviews

Beware of Traffic Arbitration Courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov): A Real Experience and Warning

In recent years, the market for online traffic arbitration courses has been growing rapidly. Many people are looking for opportunities to earn money online and come across numerous courses that promise quick success and high income. However, not all of them live up to expectations. In this article, I will share my negative experience with the traffic arbitration courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) and explain why you should be cautious.

Overblown Expectations and Empty Promises

When I first came across Ibragim Mehmedov’s course, I was attracted by the loud promises of easy and quick earnings. The promotional materials claimed that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time. However, reality turned out to be entirely different. Most of the information was superficial and general, without specific practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key advantages of the course was said to be the constant support from the instructor and his team. But in practice, this turned out to be a lie. After paying for the course, communication with the organizers disappeared. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that after receiving money from students, the course authors were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt like the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

The course was expected to provide specific tools and strategies for successful traffic arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, which made it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course price was significantly higher than the market average. Given the poor quality of materials and lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.


My experience with the traffic arbitration courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you plan to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust loud promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful traffic arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.


Alexey Larin (@alexeylarin) reviews

The Dangers of P2P Arbitration Courses by Alexey Larin (@alexeylarin): A Real Experience and Warning

The P2P cryptocurrency arbitration industry attracts many people looking to make a profit from exchange rate differences and trading. Unfortunately, as cryptocurrencies become more popular, so does the number of scammers ready to exploit inexperienced enthusiasts. One such example is the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Alexey Larin (@alexeylarin). In this article, I will share my negative experience to warn others about potential fraud.

Overhyped Promises and Misleading Advertising

When I first saw the advertisement for Alexey Larin’s course, I was drawn in by the loud promises of easy and quick profits from P2P cryptocurrency arbitration. The promotional materials claimed that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time. However, the reality was entirely different. Most of the information was general and superficial, lacking specific instructions and practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key selling points of the course was the promise of constant support from the instructor and his team. However, after paying for the course, communication with the organizers ceased. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that once they received money from the students, the course organizers were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt like the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

It was expected that the course would provide specific tools and strategies for successful P2P cryptocurrency arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, making it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course’s price was significantly higher than the market average. Considering the poor quality of materials and the lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.

How to Avoid Such Traps

  1. Research the Course and Its Author: Take the time to research the course and its author. Look for real reviews and success stories; don’t rely solely on promotional promises.
  2. Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal. Compare it with other offers on the market.
  3. Seek Free Resources: Before paying for a course, try to find free materials on the topic. They might turn out to be more useful.
  4. Be Skeptical of Big Promises: If someone promises easy money and quick success, be cautious. Real results require time and effort.


My experience with the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Alexey Larin (@alexeylarin) was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you’re planning to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust flashy promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful P2P cryptocurrency arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.
